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What is homeopathy?

It isn’t tinctures, teas, oils, or supplements. Homeopathy is not a blanket term for all things holistic or natural.
Homeopathy is it’s own system of natural medicine created over 200 years ago by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.
He dedicated his life working to create a better way to bring lasting relief in the most gentle way possible.
Homeopathy is inherently safe – when used appropriately. There are core pillars in homeopathic philosophy that guide us in its use.
These ‘laws’ aren’t intended to be legalistic- but to ensure gentle, lasting improvement.

1. The law of similars- ‘like cures like’.
This means we select a remedy that most closely matches your symptoms.
Substances, in their raw form, can create certain symptoms. But, when prepared homeopathically, can relieve similar symptoms.

2. The law of minimum dose.
It is important to be mindful in the potency being used and the frequency of taking the remedy.
A little salt in a recipe provides good flavor and brings balance. Too much or too little can make the outcome unpleasant.
The law of minimum dose is similar to that concept- we will work together to find that balance.

3. The law of totality.
When using homeopathy, we look at the full scope of symptoms that a person is experiencing in great detail.
A single remedy is given at a time that covers those symptoms in their breadth.
This is personalized medicine dependent on your characterized experiences.
Homeopathy is not intended to be used for a single symptom or for specific conditions.
Homeopathy is environmentally sustainable. There is not toxic waste from the production of homeopathic remedies. There are pharmacies that strive to reduce their carbon foot print and make the best choices for the benefit of all.
Learn about how homeopathic remedies are prepared at my preferred pharmacy- Hahnemann Labs.
Homeopathy is economically sustainable.
Homeopathic remedies vary from around $5-$25 depending on the remedy type, volume, and potency.
When you receive homeopathic care with me, I promise to work always in your best interest.
If you need financial assistance, please don’t hesitate to communicate your needs with me.
Homeopathy is for everyone.
From babies to elderly populations, pregnancy and everything in between- homeopathy can be beneficial for everyone.

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Transcendence is transformation.

-Peter Watts

Kaylee is not a medical physician. She is a classically trained homeopath.
The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA.
Information shared here or in direct consultation with Kaylee is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. No services provided are intended to replace medical treatment. Please see your primary care physician before beginning any new program.

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